1 | Greenland Institute of Natural Resources | Greenland Institute of Natural Resources | Greenland | Research centre/institute |
2 | Kobbefjord Field Station, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources | Greenland Institute of Natural Resources | Greenland | Research station |
3 | R/V Sanna, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources | Greenland Institute of Natural Resources | Greenland | Research vessel |
4 | R/V Tarajoq, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources | Greenland Institute of Natural Resources | Greenland | Research vessel |
5 | Laboratory of Thermal Physiology, Oulu | Finnish Institute of Occupational Health | Finland | Laboratory |
6 | Laboratory of Clothing Physiology, Oulu | Finnish Institute of Occupational Health | Finland | Laboratory |
7 | Mountain Research Station | University of Colorado | United States | Research station |
8 | Catherine Cutler Institute | University of Southern Maine | United States | Research centre/institute |
9 | Kluane Lake Research Station | Arctic Institute of North America | Canada | Research station |
10 | Aurora Research Institute | Aurora College | Canada | Research centre/institute |
11 | DEMICOM | Mid Sweden University | Sweden | Research centre/institute |
12 | European Tourism Research Institute (ETOUR) | Mid Sweden University | Sweden | Research centre/institute |
13 | FSCN Research Centre | Mid Sweden University | Sweden | Research centre/institute |
14 | Risk and Crisis Research Centre (RCR) | Mid Sweden University | Sweden | Research centre/institute |
15 | Sports Tech Research Centre | Mid Sweden University | Sweden | Research centre/institute |
16 | Centre for Research on Economic Relations (CER) | Mid Sweden University | Sweden | Research centre/institute |
17 | Core Research Equipment & Instrument Training (CREAIT) Network | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Laboratory |
18 | Bonne Bay Marine Station | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Research station |
19 | Cold-Ocean Deep-Sea Research Facility (CDRF) | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Research station |
20 | Marine Institute, Academic Departments | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Research centre/institute |
21 | Core Science Building | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Research centre/institute |
22 | Ocean Frontier Institute (OFI) | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Research centre/institute |
23 | C-CORE | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Research centre/institute |
24 | LOOKNorth: Centre of Excellence for Commercialization and Research: | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Research centre/institute |
25 | National Research Council (NRC) Ocean, Coastal, and River Engineering (OCRE) | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Research station |
26 | CREAIT Network (Core Research Equipment & Instrument Training Network) | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Research station |
27 | CREAIT Network (Core Research Equipment & Instrument Training Network) (1) | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Research centre/institute |
28 | Maritime History Archive | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | On-line collection or database |
29 | Centre for Applied Ocean Technology (Ctec) | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Research centre/institute |
30 | Centre for Aquaculture and Seafood Development (CASD) | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Research station |
31 | Centre for Fisheries Ecosystem Research (CFER) | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Research station |
32 | Centre for Marine Simulation (CMS) | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Research station |
33 | Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Resources | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Research station |
34 | Offshore Safety and Survival Centre (OSSC) | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Field site |
35 | Ocean Safety Research Unit (OSRU) | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Research station |
36 | Aquaculture Facility | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Research station |
37 | Community Based Education Delivery (CBED) | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Field site |
38 | Dr. C.R. Barrett Library | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Special library collection |
39 | Lewisporte Regional Fisheries and Marine Centre | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Aquaculture site |
40 | Marine Bioprocessing Facility | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Research station |
41 | Ocean Startup Project with Genesis Centre | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Research centre/institute |
42 | Bonne Bay Aquarium and Research Station | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Research centre/institute |
43 | School for Arctic and Subarctic Studies | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Research centre/institute |
44 | Radar Remote Sensing Laboratory (RRSL) | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Research station |
45 | Holyrood Marine Base: The Launch | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Research station |
46 | ABS Harsh Environment Technology Centre (HETC) | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Research centre/institute |
47 | Extreme Loads on Arctic Structures Laboratory (ELAS) | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Research station |
48 | The Journal of Ocean Technology (JOT) | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Research station |
49 | Canadian Centre for Fishery Innovation (CCFI) | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Research station |
50 | Lab2Market | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | Research station |
51 | Frost Centre for Canadian Studies and Indigenous Studies | Trent University | Canada | Research centre/institute |
52 | Arctic Centre at Umeå University | Umeå University | Sweden | Research centre/institute |
53 | Northern Sweden Health and Disease Study (NSHDS) | Umeå University | Sweden | On-line collection or database |
54 | Northern Sweden Diet Database (NSDD) | Umeå University | Sweden | On-line collection or database |
55 | Centre for Demographic and Ageing Research/Demographic Data Base (CEDAR) | Umeå University | Sweden | On-line collection or database |
56 | Climate Impacts Research Centre | Umeå University | Sweden | Research centre/institute |
57 | Umeå Marine Sciences Center at Umeå University | Umeå University | Sweden | Research station |
58 | ISMER Station Aquicole | Université du Québec à Rimouski | Canada | Aquaculture site |
59 | Coriolis II - Research vessel | Université du Québec à Rimouski | Canada | Research vessel |
60 | Specialized laboratories in oceanography | Université du Québec à Rimouski | Canada | Laboratory |
61 | CEN Boniface River Field Station | Université Laval | Canada | Research station |
62 | CEN Bylot Island Research Station | Université Laval | Canada | Research station |
63 | CEN Clearwater Lake Station | Université Laval | Canada | Research station |
64 | CEN Radisson Ecological Research Station | Université Laval | Canada | Research station |
65 | CEN Salluit Research Station | Université Laval | Canada | Research station |
66 | CEN Umiujaq Research Station | Université Laval | Canada | Research station |
67 | CEN Ward Hunt Island Field Station | Université Laval | Canada | Research station |
68 | CEN Whapmagoostui-Kuujjuarapik Station | Université Laval | Canada | Research station |
69 | CEN Louis-Edmond-Hamelin research vessel | Université Laval | Canada | Research vessel |
70 | Kjell Henriksen Observatory | University Centre in Svalbard | Norway | Observatory |
71 | Alaska Center for Energy and Power | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Research centre/institute |
72 | Arctic Infrastructure Development Center | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Research centre/institute |
73 | Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean, and Ecosystem Studies | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Research centre/institute |
74 | Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Research centre/institute |
75 | Alaska Climate Research Center | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Research centre/institute |
76 | Institute of Arctic Biology | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Research centre/institute |
77 | Toolik Lake Field Station | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Research station |
78 | Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Research station |
79 | Bonanza Creek | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Research station |
80 | High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Research station |
81 | Ocean Acidification Research Center | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Research centre/institute |
82 | ACUASI | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Monitoring site |
83 | Canadian Ice Core Lab | University of Alberta | Canada | Laboratory |
84 | Kilpisjärvi Biological Station | University of Helsinki | Finland | Research station |
85 | Värriö Subarctic Research Station | University of Helsinki | Finland | Research station |
86 | Arctic Centre, University of Lapland | University of Lapland | Finland | Research centre/institute |
87 | Arktikum Science Centre | University of Lapland | Finland | Museum/Science Centre |
88 | Arctic Centre library | University of Lapland | Finland | Special library collection |
89 | NMR laboratory | University of Oulu | Finland | Laboratory |
90 | Trace Element Laboratory | University of Oulu | Finland | Laboratory |
91 | Oulu Laboratory Animal Centre | University of Oulu | Finland | Laboratory |
92 | Centre for Material Analysis | University of Oulu | Finland | Laboratory |
93 | Biocenter Oulu Core | University of Oulu | Finland | Laboratory |
94 | LeaForum | University of Oulu | Finland | Laboratory |
95 | Finnish Social Science Data Archive (FSD) | Tampere University | Finland | On-line collection or database |
96 | FF Helmer Hanssen | UiT The Arctic University of Norway | Norway | Research vessel |
97 | FF Beret Paulsdatter | UiT The Arctic University of Norway | Norway | Research vessel |
98 | Open Polar Database | UiT The Arctic University of Norway | Norway | On-line collection or database |
99 | The Tromsø Repository of Language and Linguistics (TROLLing) | UiT The Arctic University of Norway | Norway | On-line collection or database |
100 | Yukon University & the YukonU Research Centre | Yukon University | Canada | Research centre/institute |
101 | Villum Research Station | Aarhus University | Greenland | Research station |
102 | Mineral Industries Research Laboratory | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Laboratory |
103 | Water and Environmental Research Center | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Research centre/institute |
104 | Petroleum Development Laboratory | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Laboratory |
105 | Institute of Northern Engineering | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Research centre/institute |
106 | Geographic Information Network of Alaska | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Research centre/institute |
107 | International Arctic Research Center | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Research centre/institute |
108 | Scenarios Network for Alaska and Arctic Planning | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | On-line collection or database |
109 | Center for Alaska Native Health Research | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Research centre/institute |
110 | University of Alaska Museum of the North | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Museum/Science Centre |
111 | Institute of Marine Science | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Research centre/institute |
112 | Alaska Fire Science Consortium | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Research centre/institute |
113 | Alaska Volcano Observatory | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Research centre/institute |
114 | Alaska Earthquake Center | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Research centre/institute |
115 | Geophysical Institute | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Research centre/institute |
116 | Alaska Satellite Facility | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Monitoring site |
117 | Poker Flat Research Range | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Research station |
118 | College of Natural Science and Mathematics | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Research centre/institute |
119 | Large Animal Research Station | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Research station |
120 | Kasitsna Bay Laboratory | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Laboratory |
121 | SIKULIAQ | University of Alaska Fairbanks | United States | Research vessel |
122 | Arctic Research Consortium of the United States | Arctic Research Consortium of the United States | United States | Research centre/institute |
123 | STC (Sensible Things that Communicate) Research Centre | Mid Sweden University | Sweden | Research centre/institute |
124 | Swedish Winter Sports Research Centre | Mid Sweden University | Sweden | Research centre/institute |
125 | Yaffle | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canada | On-line collection or database |
126 | Oulanka Research Station | University of Oulu | Finland | Research station |
127 | Giellagas Institute | University of Oulu | Finland | Research centre/institute |
128 | Biodiversity Unit | University of Oulu | Finland | Museum/Science Centre |
129 | Kevo Subarctic Research Institute | University of Turku | Finland | Research station |
130 | Czech Arctic Research Station "Josef Svoboda" in Svalbard | Centre for Polar Ecology - University of South Bohemia | Czech Republic | Research station |
131 | Netherlands Arctic Station on Svalbard | Arctic Centre - University of Groningen | Netherlands | Research station |
132 | Arctic Centre at the University of Groningen | Arctic Centre - University of Groningen | Netherlands | Research centre/institute |