Centre for Aquaculture and Seafood Development (CASD)

Advancing aquatic health, seafood processing, and aquaculture through research and development.

CASD, located at the Marine Institute, provides a comprehensive range of services to support the aquatic health, food, seafood processing, fishery by-products, and aquaculture industries. These services include applied research, product and process development, technology transfer, advisory services, and industrial training. CASD features modern aquaculture research facilities, quarantine and histopathology laboratories, two food pilot plant facilities, and operates under an approved Quality Management Program (QMP).

Institution Memorial University of Newfoundland
Country Canada
Infrastructure type Research station
Disciplines Agriculture
forestry and fishery
Language of operation English
Keywords Technology TransferApplied ResearchFisheriesSeafood ProcessingAquaculture


Availability: Accessible for industry collaboration, research, and training.

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