If you have a resource to share, such as an online lecture, instructional video, podcast, etc please submit it to using the form below and we will add the link to our collection. Please be sure to note if the resource is accessible only for a limited time, or to be made available in perpetuity. Unfortunately, UArctic cannot host such material, but only provides links to external sites.

Please contact catalogue@uarctic.org if you have any questions or feedback.

See Current Arctic Learning Resources


Submit Arctic Learning Resource

Please submit any Arctic-related learning/teaching resources that are openly available to share with our members, partners and community. These can be, for example, online lectures, course materials, recorded webinars, podcasts, etc

Up to 300 words. Include details such as format, content length, resource type if 'other'.
When was resource first published/produced?
These resources should be freely available to share, at least in the short term. Please describe want kind of licence or usage rights apply.
Choose a relevant field of study. More specific detail can be added in the description and keywords.
Separate by commas,. Autocompletes existing terms. Additional keywords related to topic, theme, subject, geographic area, etc.
See UArctic Privacy Policy at https://www.uarctic.org/privacy-policy/