With the continuous decline of ice-coverage in the Arctic, human presence and ship operations are expected to intensify within that inherently risky region; improving Search and Rescue (SAR) capacities stands out as a pressing priority given the trending circumstances. As an operational environment for the maritime industry, the Arctic region is often characterized as risky and highly complex due to its remoteness, low temperatures, harsh weather conditions, and lack of infrastructure. This webinar will discuss the overall trends and challenges facing the development of the Arctic region as a whole and how the Arctic Council nations are responding to these developments with a particular focus on Search and Rescue capabilities. In addition, we will review the planning and conduct of an Arctic SAR training exercise, which took place at Nord University in Bodo, Norway on June 20, 2019. Given the continually expanding growth of industrial interests in this region, the exercise scenario was designed to test current capabilities and improve the readiness of SAR mission coordinators at the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre (JRCC) of Norway in their execution of amass rescue operation in accordance with IAMSAR protocols. The scenario involved cooperation and extensive communication efforts taking place between the master of a bystander vessel working as On-Scene Coordinator, the master of a vessel in distress, the SAR mission coordinator of JRCC Norway, and various regional and local authorities including medical facilities and aviation assets. This simulator exercise was found to be effective as a training tool and highlighted that the further expected increase of maritime activities in the Arctic must be balanced with strengthening the capacities of emergency management.
Institution/Organization World Maritime University (WMU)
Resource type Video Lecture/Webinar
Language English
Field of Study Protection of persons and property
Content Owner/Rights Holder World Maritime University
Copyright/Licencing Information Open Access
Keywords ArcticHigh NorthShipping OperationsSearch and Rescue
Last updated 7/7/2020 11:35:00 AM