Understanding the Cumulative Impacts of Industrial Development in Northern British Columbia

Presentation (Video), Global Friday, UNBC. 80 minutes. In my research, I\'m studying the cumulative effects of the expansion of the oil and gas industry in Northeastern British Columbia. I\'m particularly interested in understanding how the community (namely the Doig River First Nation) have been able to use the economic benefits generated by the oil and gas sector, as well as by forestry, to develop social and cultural programmes for the well-being of the community, while keeping the traditional lifestyle and culture alive. To do so, I use an ethnographic approach, performing daily activities with community members, listening to their traditional stories and life experiences.
Institution/Organization University of Northern British Columbia
Resource type Video Lecture/Webinar
Language English
Field of Study Sociology and cultural studies
Content Owner/Rights Holder Giuseppe Amatulli, UNBC
Copyright/Licencing Information The video is freely available on the UNBC website
Keywords indigenoustraditional knowledgeresource extraction
Last updated 30/03/2020 12:06:50