Including the North : a comparative study of the policies on inclusion and equity in the Circumpolar North

"Including the North: a Comparative Study of the Policies on Inclusion and Equity in the Circumpolar North" is an edited book authored by members of the Thematic Network for Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity in Education; a group working under the auspices of the University of the Arctic. A official product of the Sustainable Development Working Group during the Finnish chairmanship of Arctic Council (2017-2019), it explores inclusive policies in nine countries across the Arctic and beyond, including a chapter from a Sami perspective. The book discusses a wide range of inclusive policies and highlights similarities and differences between the countries. The book is 213 pages. Each chapter is 4-6000 words.
Institution/Organization University of Alaska Anchorage
Resource type Other Educational Resource
Language English
Field of Study Teacher training and education science (broad programmes)
Content Owner/Rights Holder University of Lapland
Copyright/Licencing Information This is an open access publication
Keywords equityinclusionteacher trainingeducation
Last updated 25/03/2020 19:10:04