From 15 to 19 October 2015 in Reykjavik (Iceland) the I International Art Show «Circum-Arctic» takes place. The show is attended by artists, painters, masters of arts and crafts - representatives of the Arctic indigenous peoples from different corners of such  countries as  Canada, the United States (Alaska), Russia, Finland,...

Staff and students of Laurea University of Applied Sciences took part in the joint international rescue exercise organised by the countries in the Barents region. Laurea's responsibility in the Barents Rescue 2015 exercise in Lapland 28 September – 2 October was to carry out the evaluation of the exercise.

Paleontologists of Tomsk State University brought unique findings from their expedition to the Novosibirsk region: more than 600 large mammals’ remains of the Late Pleistocene of Northern Eurasia. According to paleontologists, their findings are from 17,000 to 11,000 years old.

The China-Nordic Arctic Research Centre (CNARC) invites you to the symposium which will be held in Rovaniemi, Finland, at 6.-9.6.2016. The main theme of the symposium is The Sustainable Arctic - Opportunities and Challenges of Globalization. Save the Date flyer.

When the first Indian exchange student arrived in Germany in 1951, he was welcomed by a crowd of people and festive cheer. Flowers, music and an excited crowds embraced the student. Today, this moment is diluted in the crowds of international students, arriving more unnoticed than half a century ago.

The European Commission Horizon 2020: Societal Challenges will shortly be inviting proposals, under the health, demographic change and wellbeing work programme, for its H2020-CS1-2016-2017 Personalised Medicine Call. The first deadlines for this call are 13 April 2016.

The European Commission Horizon 2020: Societal Challenges will shortly be inviting proposals, under the Europe in a changing world work programme, for its H2020-CULT-COOP-2016-2017 understanding Europe: promoting the European public and cultural space call. The call is open now with a deadline in February 2017.

H2020-SEC-2016: Security call

Mon, Oct 19, 2015
The European Commission Horizon 2020: Societal Challenges is now inviting proposals, under the Secure Societies – protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens work programme for its H2020-SEC-2016-2017 Security call. The deadline for this call is 25 August 2016.