EDUCAPOLES.ORG is a place where the International Polar Foundation’s educational and multimedia tools can be found. The site provides educational materials to the teaching community in three languages : (English, Dutch and French). It also helps to raise awareness of the poles’ importance as an early warning system and unique laboratory, and mobilises citizens by providing the means to make informed actions against climate change.Aimed at teachers, future teachers, and all those involved in education, offers pedagogical dossiers, flash animations, videos, picture galleries, tales and ready-made contents such as quizzes, scientific experiments, and classroom activities.
Institution/Organization International Polar Foundation
Resource type Other Educational Resource
Language English, French, Dutch
Field of Study Environmental science
Content Owner/Rights Holder International Polar Foundation
Copyright/Licencing Information Free to download and use as long as mention of copyright owner (International Polar Foundation) mentioned when used in a lesson.
Keywords Polar researchsustainabilityclimate changeArcticAntarcticaEnergy efficiencycryosphere
Last updated 06/04/2020 12:53:48