New Members

UArctic welcomed sixteen new members to the network, five from Arctic and eleven from non-Arctic countries:

New Board Members

The Assembly elected Barbara Will from Dartmouth College as member of the Board of UArctic for a three-year term (2024-2027), and renewed the terms of Tore Furevik, Johanna Ikäheimo, Pat Pitney, and Anne Husebekk (2024-2027). Linda Lyberth Kristiansen from Ilisimatusarfik / University of Greenland was elected to the board as a Student Representative (2024-2027).

Thematic Networks

The Assembly approved the granting of full Thematic Network status to four networks:

The Assembly approved the provisional establishment of two Thematic Networks:


The Assembly approved the UArctic Financial Statements, the Auditor Report for 2023, the UArctic Annual Report 2023, and the UArctic Operating Budget 2024.

UArctic’s Nominations Committee

The Assembly elected Lindsay Whaley of Dartmouth College as Chair of the Nominations Committee for a three-year term (2024-27). 

UArctic Assembly Officers

The Assembly elected Liisa Holmberg of International Sámi Film Institute as the Assembly Chair, and Jason Young of University of Washington as the Assembly Vice-chair for a three-year term (2024-27).

Friends of UArctic

The Assembly invited Ross A. Virginia, Karla J. Williamson and Stephen Heal to join the Friends of UArctic.

UArctic Assembly 2025

The Assembly approved the plans for the UArctic Assembly 2025 to be held on 6–9 June 2025 in Inari, Sápmi, Finland, hosted by the Sámi Education Institute.

Plans for the UArctic Congress and Assembly 2026

The Assembly supported the plans for the UArctic Congress and Assembly 2026, to be held during the period of 25–31 May 2026 in Tórshavn, the Faroe Islands, hosted by the University of the Faroe Islands.


Thank you to all members and observers who joined the 2024 Assembly meeting. We look forward to seeing you in 2025 in Sápmi!


The University of the Arctic (UArctic) is a cooperative network of universities, colleges, research institutes and other organizations concerned with education and research in and about the North. UArctic builds and strengthens collective resources and collaborative infrastructure that enables member institutions to better serve their constituents and their regions. Through cooperation in education, research and outreach we enhance human capacity in the North, promote viable communities and sustainable economies, and forge global partnerships.