This program is designed to support mentees who identify as a racial or ethnic minority within polar science and consider themselves an ‘early career’ (in graduate school or equivalent post-graduate job/program) in their field. We recognize that these individuals face unique challenges, and the Polar Impact Mentorship Initiative aims to address those challenges by providing access to mentorship, community, resources, workshops, and networking opportunities. Following the 2022-2023 PIMI Pilot Program year, we are thrilled to be doubling the cohort size from 10 to 20 mentor and mentee pairs!

If you are interested in applying as a mentee, please fill out this form.

We are also seeking mentors to serve either as a one-on-one mentor with students in the program, or be available for panels or workshops one or more times over the year. Please note that there are no requirements related to racial or ethnic identity in order to participate as a mentor.

If you are interested in applying as a mentor, please fill out this form

We welcome applicants in fields related to polar science including academia, policy, industry, technical careers, and science communication. Both mentor and mentee applications close on June 3rd, 2024, and programming will begin in September 2024. 

Details regarding time commitments, programming, and more can be found in the application forms linked above. If you have any additional questions, please reach out at