Arctic Congress Bodø 2024 has kicked off

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The congress takes place from 29 May to 3 June 2024 in Bodø, Norway, hosted by Nordland Research Institute and Nord University. Bringing three conferences together in Bodø – one of the 2024 European Cultural Capitals - will be an extraordinary showcase of Arctic cooperation.

UArctic Rectors Meeting is held on June 1st, followed by the annual UArctic Assembly Meeting, taking place on June 2-3.

Thematic Networks and Chairs lead several sessions with UArctic presence, here are some highlights to look forward to: 

Thursday, May 30


4.5.9 Educational innovation for the Circumpolar North - The UArctic Læra Institute's two-part session is devoted to educational innovation related to the Circumpolar North in university, school or community contexts, with special focus on different types of teaching and learning.

3.1.9 The future of Arctic shipping in the era of escalating geopolitical tensions - Kjell Stokvik, lead of our Thematic Network on Arctic Transport and Logistics, moderates the session on the future of Arctic shipping in the era of escalating geopolitical tensions and regionalization. The session addresses topics such as demand for Arctic resources and supply security; maritime security; transport diversification and access to alternative shipping routes; and environmental concerns and the green transition.

3.1.7 Arctic Tourism Futures - Part I - Gunnar Jóhannesson, Vice-Lead of UArctic's Thematic Network on Northern Tourism, is presenting in the "Arctic Tourism Futures" two-part session exploring its diverse perspectives and challenges amid rapid environmental and socio-economic changes. For more insights, join part II at 11:00 featuring Thematic Network lead Pat Maher and other network members.


2.4.1 Framing adaptation and enhancing resilience to climate change in the Acrtic through the lens of Indigenous knowledge - Highlighting the crucial role of Indigenous knowledge in climate change adaptation and resilience in the Arctic. Important work by the UArctic EALÁT Institute, one of the organizers of this session.

3.1.1 Building Sustainable Arctic Futures: Exploring the WEF Nexus and Socio-economic Resilience - UArctic Chair David Natcher introducing the conceptual utility of the Water, Energy, Food (WEF) nexus as a starting point for forecasting, visualizing, and anticipating the cascading impacts of climate change on Arctic WEF systems.


5.27 Nurturing Indigenous Pedagogies and Place-based Knowledges in the Circumpolar - Our Verdde Thematic Network members present their research project "Professional Learning for Educators: Nurturing Indigenous Pedagogies and Place-based Knowledges in the Circumpolar". Their research on professional learning (PL) uses self-study approaches, mutual visits to exchange knowledges and practices, and on-line discussion and shared writing about their experiences of PL in Indigenous education. The aim: to develop a model of collaborative educator PL across the North.

4.0.4 Promoting healthy and inclusive ageing in Arctic people and communities - Anastasia Emelyanova, lead of our Thematic Network on Health and Well-being in the Arctic, presenting the demographic and health situation in the Nordic Arctic, with emphasis on population ageing trends.

Friday, May 31


4.0.17 TN on Geopolitics and Security Session I - Our Thematic Network on Geopolitics and Security has convened this session on the role of education, culture, and language in building resilience and resurgence among Indigenous Peoples in the circumpolar region.

5.28 Toward sustainable Arctic - Building Bridges between the Arctic and Asia - Building bridges between the Arctic and Asia. Aileen Espiritu, lead of our Thematic Network on Arctic in Asia and Asia in the Arctic, is presenting about the making of Singapore as a relevant partner in Arctic affairs.


4.5.2 Shaping Academic education to the need for multidisciplinary future Arctic Experts - Another session from UArctic Chairs: shaping academic education to the need for multidisciplinary future Arctic experts. Featuring Roland Kallenborn, Hanne Hvidtfeldt Christiansen, Philip Steinberg, and Timo Jokela. Future experts must be educated with interdisciplinary expertise in relevant sciences as well as in-depth understanding of indigenous, cultural, regulative, jurisdictive, jurisdictive, educational, teacher development, over-tourism and technological needs.

4.0.12 Connecting the unconnected in the Arctic - Internet connectivity in the Arctic is vital, yet still lacking/poor in many places. This session convened by our Thematic Network on Arctic Telecommunications and Networking presents user needs, concerns, ideas and use cases in rural and remote areas.

Saturday, June 1


5.20 Hubs and Networks in the Arctic: Connecting Locally, Cooperating Globally - Kirsi Latola, UArctic's Vice-President Networks, will discuss the value of hubs and networks in promoting cooperation in the Arctic and building sustainable partnerships across borders.


2.0.6 61 ideas on how to conserve the Frozen Arctic - The Frozen Arctic assessment evaluates 61 potential climate interventions and their feasibility. This session by our Thematic Network on Frozen Arctic Conservation introduces the study and also talks about the next steps that are being planned.

4.3.7 UArctic Thematic Network ARCH session: ‘Writing and visualising the Arctic: travel writing, Indigenous life stories and historical sources, 18th-21st century - Our Thematic Network on Arctic Cultures and History (ARCH) bring us a bit of history in their session on travel writing, Indigenous life stories and historical sources from the 18th-21st centuries.


3.2.2 Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement as a condition for a Just Green Transition - The session by our Thematic Network on Arctic Sustainable Resources and Social Responsibility discusses the interface between sustainable economic development and a just green transition which respects the rights of Indigenous peoples in land use.

2.3.2 Integrating Scientific, Societal and Engineering Approaches to assess Water Resources Management in a Changing Arctic - Bing Chen, UArctic Chair in Marine and Coastal Environmental Engineering, presents a field study on PBDE pollution in the city of Yellowknife, the Great Slave Lake, and its coastal areas. Their occurrence and potential impacts are concerning.

Welcome to the Arctic Congress 2024!