The input has been clustered under four different topics: challenges, research and code of conduct, education and capacity building, and adaptation and mitigation.

We have opened an online feedback form where you can give feedback and examples from your life and experiences for each of the graphs: “Challenges”, “Capacity building / Education”, “Mitigation and adaptation”, “Research practices, code of conduct”.

You can find the online feedback form here:

The survey will be open until November 20, 2023.

The outcome from this UArctic community engagement will be shared with the ICARP IV steering committee, which is in process of forming research priority teams which will start to work in early 2024 for developing the research priorities based on received community engagement, such as UArctic’s input. The process for ICARP IV will continue until in 2025 and beyond towards IPY 2032-33.

You can read more about the ICARP IV process at