The Korea Arctic Academy, hosted by the Korean Ministry of Oceans & Fisheries and co-organized by the Korea Maritime Institute (KMI) and University of the Arctic (UArctic), is an initiative to facilitate exchanges between students from both the Arctic region and Korea in order to develop and share a common Arctic vision.

UiT The Arctictic university of Norway, Department of Computer Science, is proud to welcome you to the 18th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics (SHI 2022) in August.

Timo Jokela from the Faculty of Arts, Kamrul Hossain from the Arctic Centre and Tuija Turunen from the Faculty of Education have been selected for the position from the University of Lapland.

The International Conference of Fish and Shellfish Immunology is the scientific congress of the International Society of Fish & Shellfish Immunology held every three years, where fish immunologists, fish pathologists, and aquaculture associates meet to discuss recent advances in fish immunology.