IASSA explicitly want to encourage natural scientists to participate.
The workshop will include presentations and discussion-based sessions between participants. Please see the preliminary programme for more information about the concept and sessions.
Contributors will include Anna Burdenski (University of Vienna, Austria), Stephan Dudeck (Foundation for Siberian Cultures, Germany), Shelly Elverum (Ikaarvik, Canada), Louise Flaherty (Inhabit Media Inc., Canada), Erich Kasten (Foundation for Siberian Cultures, Germany), Britt Kramvig (UiT, The Arctic University of Norway), Angela McIntyre (University of British Columbia, Canada), Justin Milton (Ikaarvik, Canada), Elle Merete Omma (Saami Council, Sápmi), Barbara Schellhammer (Munich School of Philosophy, Germany), Jorrit van der Schot (University of Graz, Austria), Stephen Williams (IASS, Germany), Stan Wilson (University of Alberta, University of Saskatchewan, Council of Elders for Opaskwayak Cree Nation, Canada).
If you would like to participate in this workshop, please send an e-mail to vilena.valeeva@iass-potsdam.de before November 19, 2021.
Please also note that IASSA may need to restrict the number of participants to enable mutual learning.
For more information, see also IASSA's workshop website: www.arctic-ethics.org. If you have any further questions or comments, please do not hesitate to get in contact with IASSA.