Many IPY research, data management, outreach and training activities are still underway, and the full extent of the impact of IPY on our understanding of the polar regions and planet will only fully emerge over the coming months and years. The IPY wrap-up conferences in Olso in June 2010 ( and in Canada in April 2012 will provide important opportunities to present and synthesize the work of so many people during this IPY. The legacy of IPY 2007-2008 is also beginning to take shape and we hope that many of you will be able to participate in these efforts in the future.
Karen and I would like to extend our sincere thanks to everyone who has contributed to the success of the Canadian IPY program over the past 5 years. We would particularly like to thank the many partners who have provided financial and in-kind support, including 15 different federal departments and agencies, the Walter & Duncan Gordon Foundation, and especially the University of Alberta for providing an administrative home for the Secretariat.
We would also like to extend a special note of gratitude to the individuals who served on the Canadian IPY National Committee and Youth Steering Committee over the past 5 years, and in particular, to Mr. Ian Church, senior science advisor to the Government of Yukon, who served as chair of the Canadian IPY National Committee from 2005 to 2009. Ian will be officially ‘retiring’ later this month after almost 40 years of government service and we wish him all the best! The Canadian National Committee is currently preparing a final report that will be published at the end of the summer.
Karen will be continuing to provide support for the IPY program as the interim Education and Outreach Liaison Coordinator for the IPY International Program Office. She will still be based at the University of Alberta and can be reached at Karen will also be maintaining the flow of information on the main IPY website (
We will also continue to maintain our website for the next year, but would direct you to the Government of Canada IPY Program Office ( as the primary point of contact in Canada. There are also links to various Canadian IPY activities on the website of the Canadian Polar Commission (
Again, many thanks for all of your support over the past years, and we look forward to continuing to work with you on IPY legacy activities in the future.
with best wishes,
David Hik, Executive Director
& Karen Edwards, Coordinator
Canadian IPY Secretariat