The Office of Undergraduate Studies is rewarding $500.00 to the student that provides the most in-depth testimonial and who makes creative and innovative linkages to their northern education, personal (and professional) growth, and especially how completion of courses in the Circumpolar Studies program has affected and transformed your life. The most compelling stories will be published and distributed in Canada and internationally.

The student testimonial should be no more than 400 words and all submissions require a close-up photo of yourself. Deadline for submissions is December 11, 2009.

Please send your submissions by either email or post to:

Tom Novosel
Program Assistant
University of the Arctic
Office of Undergraduate Studies
at University of Saskatchewan
234 Kirk Hall, 117 Science Place
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5C8

Tel: 1-306-966-1665
Fax: 1-306-966-1220