The College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Anthropology and Geography, at the University of Alaska Anchorage invite students to participate in the upcoming archaeological field school, to be held 5 July-8 August 2008. The field school will focus on excavation of the Little John Paleoindian Site in the Alaska / Yukon borderlands. The site has been dated to more than 12,000 C14 years ago, and contains well-preserved animal remains as well as tools of some of the earliest colonists of eastern Beringia. It is located directly on the Alcan Highway.
Students will learn basic excavation and survey techniques using a total station, and will focus on excavation techniques appropriate to deeply-stratified Paleoindian sites. 4 credits of undergraduate (ANTHA431) or graduate (ANTH A631) credit are available from the University of Alaska Anchorage. Both in-state and out-of-state students will be charged at the Alaska resident rate for tuition. Associated fees ($1495) will cover all aspects of food, equipment, supplies, and local transportation.
To register, please go to http://uaonline.alaska.edu, and click on the link to "apply for admission or check on status of application;" follow the appropriate links to complete a "non-degree-seeking student" application, and register for the course.
For more information about the field school or the field school program, please contact:
David R. Yesner